Your dance studio in Montreal
Montreal’s Swing Dance Experts from the 1920s to 1950s

For over two decades, we have been dedicated to sharing the passion and joy of Swing dance. Our reputation is not only rooted in the culture of jazz and swing but also in our Montreal origins. We shine on the international stage as instructors, having won multiple American, European, Canadian, and International Swing championships. Discover Lindy Hop, Charleston, West Coast Swing, Rock n Roll, Balboa, Boogie-Woogie, and more with our internationally-renowned champions team. Join Montreal's warmest dance community!
Why choose
Studio 88 Swing?
A relaxed and fun environment but one that includes true historical knowledge and techniques that have produced the most champions of any swing schools in the Americas! You learn from the instructors chosen by Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Eloize, Radio Canada, and TVA for shows like "Les Dieux de la Danse", "Star Académie", and many more.

Unparalleled experience
With 20 years serving the dance community, our history speaks for itself. From Gatsby to Rock n Roll, through modern pop to Big Band!

Communauté passionnée
Devenez membre d'une communauté vibrante. Participez à nos événements hebdomadaires, mensuels et saisonniers adaptés à tous les niveaux.

Show-stopping performances
Shows of WWII Victory, Gatsby, Prohibition, Big Bands, the 50s, the 60s, Grease, and Rock n Roll... We performed for Cirque du Soleil, CBC/Radio-Canada, TVA, film productions, festivals (Jazz, Just For Laughs...), Quebec Day, Canada Day, and much more.

Une expérience inégalée
Avec 20 ans au service de la danse, notre histoire parle d'elle-même. Du Gatsby au Rock n Roll en passant par le pop Moderne et le Big Band!

A passionate community
Become a member of a vibrant community. Take part in our weekly, monthly, and seasonal events tailored for all levels.

Performances époustouflantes
Notre expérience s'étend au-delà des salles de cours, ayant performé pour de nombreuses organisations d'envergure internationales, de grands festivals et de productions cinématographiques.

Une équipe de champions
Apprenez des meilleurs! Notre équipe est composée de champions canadiens et internationaux renommés dans la danse Swing.

Global recognition
Our studio is synonymous with quality and respect in Montreal and beyond. Your passion for dance will find its home here.

International opportunities
Our dancers and instructors are in high demand, teaching and performing worldwide. Looking for a challenge? Join our teams for competitions or shows. Who knows, you might become a champion yourself!

A team of champions
Learn from the best! Our team consists of renowned Canadian and international Swing dance champions.

Reconnaissance mondiale
Notre studio est synonyme de qualité et de respect à Montréal et au-delà. Votre passion pour la danse trouvera sa maison ici.

Opportunités internationales
Nos danseurs et instructeurs sont très sollicités et enseignent/performent à travers le monde. Cherchez-vous un défi? Rejoignez nos troupes pour des compétitions ou spectacles. Qui sait, on vous retrouvera bientôt à la TV et vous deviendrez peut-être un champion ou une championne vous-même!!!